Reclaim the 9th: It's Time for Representation That Works

Say No to Indoctrination Act (H.R. 4698)

The "Say No to Indoctrination Act" (H.R. 4698), co-sponsored by Congressman Morgan Griffith, poses a contentious stance on the use of federal funds for education that will inadvertently undermine the comprehensive understanding and teaching of American history and current societal issues. By seeking to prohibit federal funding for programs that explore or discuss systemic racism, the bill will stifle educational efforts aimed at fostering an inclusive and diverse understanding of America's past and present.Such restrictions not only risk sanitizing educational content but also deny students the opportunity to engage with the complex realities of racial dynamics in the United States. This approach will prevent the fostering of critical thinking and empathetic understanding among students, qualities that are vital for navigating and addressing the multifaceted challenges of our society. The involvement of Congressman Griffith in co-sponsoring this bill raises clear concerns about his commitment to comprehensive education and his recognition of systemic issues that affect many constituents in the 9th District and beyond, thereby contributing to a more divided and less informed public.

VOTED NO: Inflation Reduction Act (H.R. 5376)

Congressman Morgan Griffith's decision to vote against the Inflation Reduction Act is a disservice to the people of Virginia, directly impacting many who stand to benefit significantly from its provisions. This Act introduces measures that would notably ease financial strains for Virginians in the 9th and those across America. For instance, it imposes penalties on drug manufacturers that exceed inflation in their price increases, directly affecting the cost of essential medications. Starting in 2023, Virginians on Medicare would no longer face charges for crucial vaccines, benefiting approximately 85,000 Virginians who received a vaccine under Medicare Part D in 2020. Furthermore, the Act introduces a $35 cap on monthly out-of-pocket costs for insulin under Medicare, a life-saving measure for over 74,000 Virginians who, as of 2020, paid an average of $51 monthly for insulin, with some facing up to $900 monthly expenses.Additionally, the extension of the Affordable Care Act subsidies would make health insurance more affordable for over 300,000 Virginians covered by the ACA in 2022, ensuring continued access to necessary healthcare. The Act also addresses climate change, which impacts Virginians directly, by boosting clean energy investments, including $4 billion reserved for coal communities, and offering tax credits for home energy efficiency improvements and electric vehicle purchases. These climate provisions not only promise to cut pollution but also to invigorate the economy with jobs and sustainable growth.By voting no on the Inflation Reduction Act, Griffith has effectively turned his back on these substantial benefits, casting a vote against the health, financial security, and environmental well-being of Virginians. His stance neglects the immediate and long-term needs of his constituents, overlooking crucial opportunities to support and uplift the communities across the 9th.